Jul 25, 2020

Jan 07, 2020 Delete Facebook Account Permanently How to permanently delete my Facebook account. If you think you will not use your account again or you are determined to delete your Facebook account permanently, it is advisable before taking this step to download a copy of your information. Once you have done … How to Delete Messages on Facebook Messenger [Both Sides] It means people all across the globe will have the option to permanently delete a Facebook Messenger messages from both sides. This is a handy feature, right? But there is a check! After you send a message to your friend, you only got 10 minutes to unsend or delete … If you don't think you'll use Facebook again, you can request to have your account permanently deleted. Please keep in mind that you won't be able to reactivate your account or retrieve anything you've added.

How to delete your Facebook page on Android or iOS? Go to “setting” page (top right side menu => pages => click on Facebook page => “three dot” menu top right corner => Edit page => Setting) in mobile Facebook app. In the “setting” page, click on “General” and then scroll down to “Remove Page“.Click on “Permanently Delete YOUR PAGE NAME“.

[2020 Update] How to Delete Facebook But Keep Messenger

If you’ve chosen to permanently delete your account, Facebook will do that for you – you don’t need to involve yourself in the process. However, if you feel like contributing, you can help make things faster by deleting specific parts of your Facebook content manually. This may reduce the …

How to Delete Facebook Messenger Whole Group Chat Feb 05, 2019 OK, you've deleted Facebook, but is your data still out