Jun 16, 2020

Aug 15, 2018 Upgrading Kernel Version on Aws Ec2 instance | Cloud I am going to discuss in a separate post , how you can recover an instance in case you have corrupted the kernel upgrade and Ec2 instance fails to start due to Ec2 instance health check failures. Database in Amazon EC2 | Oracle Pat Shuff's Blog Today we are going to look at what it takes to get a 12c database instance up and running in Amazon EC2. Note that this is different than our previous posts on getting Standard Edition running on Amazon and running Enterprise Edition running on Amazon RDS.We are going to take the traditional approach as if we were installing the database on a virtual image like VMWare, HyperV, or OracleVM. [Safely] Update an Ubuntu EC2 instance on Amazon AWS

Comparing the AWS EC2 x1.16xlarge vs. r3.8xlarge: Time to

Make any required changes to the instance configuration, then click the "Next: Add Storage" button. Edit the size and volume type to the required settings (30GiB and General Purpose (SSD)). If you require any other volumes add them now. Click the "Next: Tag Instance" button. Tags allow you to associate name-value pairs with an instance. Add any STEP 2: Setup SSH connection to connect to EC2 instance From the side navigation menu, there is an option named ‘Instances’. When clicked it will list out the instance which has been created.

Oct 04, 2019

Jan 01, 2014